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Windows 7,8,10 Upgrade Script 2.5.0

   (2 reviews)

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About This File

This script will upgrade copies of Windows to whatever Windows 10 ISO you give it.  You will need to upload the Windows 10 ISO to your LTShare/Transfer/ folder(by default in the /ISO/ sub folder). For Windows 7 installs, you must put a copy of 7z.dll and 7z.exe in your LTShare/Transfer/ folder(by default in the \Software\7ZipCLI\ sub folder). This is because it extracts the ISO since Windows 7 can't mount it. I recommend a 32bit copy because they work for both 32 and 64bit. You can download the 7-Zip installer and open it with 7-Zip like a zip file to extract just those files without bothering to install it.

You can now also use an EDF to specify a UNC path to get the ISO from instead of downloading from the CWA server. The EDF is located under the TNE - Setup tab called TNE - Windows 10 ISO Location under the location screen. Double click on a location to find it. This should be in the format of \\server\iso, no trailing slash. If you put domain computer permissions on the share and the folder the CWA agent shouldn't have a problem copying it.


Also just added, the script will now check to see if the ISO is in place before running, so you can create a script to preload the ISO.

Now supports Windows 10, 8, and 7. Sorry, no Windows 9 support at this time.

Thanks to @Slartibartfast, @johnduprey, and the rest of the community for contributions and bug reports.

More details and discussion can be found on the forum post:

If you are downloading the ISO directly from your CWA server, I might recommend the below to rate limit it. It is a script that will rate limit how many computers are running it at once. Of course, that will slow deploy, so you have to be careful not to accidentally run it on to many and cause it to run outside of maintenance hours.



What's New in Version 2.0.1   See changelog


Very minor update. Slight problem with logic checking versions. Versions always showed as changed because I put @'s on a variable where it wasn't supposed to have them. Now it should probably detect a non-changing version number.

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Took a small bit of tweaking but it works.

A few tips:

As we have a cloud hosted server, we could not keep our Win10 iso in our LTshare folder. Our workaround was to use one of our on prem share servers. Added a Variable Set with parameter="\\\Share" Variable Name="ShareDrive" . Instead of using File Download I used File Copy. Source Path="@ShareDrive@\@WindowsISOFilename@"

This worked great.


With 7zip I was a small bit confused. I downloaded the .7z version of 7zip as I assumed we needed the console version. After installing the 32 bit version of 7 zip I transferred the 7z.exe and 7z.dll from there and it worked after that.


If you are like me and are testing it on a very slow laptop, close anything you can thats running in the background of the PC. I was up to the point where everything was extracted but I couldn't get it to update. Removed a bunch of things from startup and got my ram usage down about 1gb. Finally got the update after doing this.

Anyway, thanks for the great script,

Tevin Ignacio

Response from the author:

Hey Tevin, there should already be an EDF(I believe location based) that you can fill out that will pull from a share, no need to modify the script for every client you try to use it on.

The 7zip issue is a common one. I haven't found a better way to communicate it, but I totally get the confusion. Even for me I wanted to use the portable version of 7zip first, but it doesn't support ISOs unfortunately.

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works well but my Cisco Umbrella at first was nuking the transfer from the LTSHARE to the PC for install. 

Response from the author:

Good point. AV or DNS filtering/protection could totally get in the way. I've got a Windows Upgrade Assistant version I'm working on. That should help because the data will come right from Microsoft, but you lose control over what version is being deployed, it will always deploy the latest release.

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