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Everything posted by Gavsto

  1. Version 1.0.0


    These SQL files can be imported in System > General > Import > SQL File. It will add in four new role definitions Microsoft 365 - Azure AD Joined Microsoft 365 - Domain Joined Microsoft 365 - Hybrid AD Joined Microsoft 365 - On-Premises DRS Joined
  2. Please note our Code of Conduct has been moved Code of Conduct - MSPGeek Inc.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This SQL can be imported in System > General > Import > SQL File. It will add an additional role definition that detects when a TPM is in a ready state.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This SQL can be imported in System > General > Import > SQL File. It will add an additional role definition that detects when a TPM is present.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Run this against your Automate Server (or any agent really) and it will loop through all of your Network Probes and force a device redetection on all of them. This is the same as doing Commands > Probe > Run Device Detection, unfortunately this behaviour is not exposed in the GUI when you select more than one network probe.This is step 2 of pushing updated device detection templates to probes.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Run this against your Automate Server (or any agent really) and it will loop through all of your Network Probes and push a Probe config update out to all of them. This is the same as doing Commands > Probe > Refresh Config, unfortunately this behaviour is not exposed in the GUI when you select more than one network probe. This is step 1 of pushing updated device detection templates to probes.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This file has been provided by ConnectWise to be used ONLY by partners who installed Patch 12.11 before it was pulled on 21st November 2018. If you installed AFTER this date this will not apply to you.This will fix the problem with the LTSvcMon.exe service not starting. To import, go to System > General > Import > XML Expansion, select the file, choose yes, acknowledge the warning about it being made in a newer version (if applicable). The script will be put in a folder in the root of your scripts called __Examples. The script name is Update LTSvcMon.exe.confg for 2018.11
  8. Good Morning/Afternoon Connectwise Automate Campers! It's time for the next delivery of the LabTechGeek Digest! Automate 12 - Patch 7 After a rocky start with Patch 6, Patch 7 has been relatively stable with no known major issues. Be aware of potential issues with IIS though during the install - not a fault with the patch, but an issue with IIS and Microsoft's July patches. See here for more details: https://bit.ly/2Akrgoz With that in mind, this is a good stable base to upgrade to if you’ve been waiting for a while to upgrade. I continue to be impressed with the speed of development for the new Automate Web App, and I’m sure we’ll see some good additions to it over the next few patches. Hopefully we will see the addition of a Current User/Last Logged on User column soon, it’s the only thing really stopping heavy usage for a lot of the engineers at my MSP. Slack We are now over 3000 users in our Slack, and growth doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Thanks to all Admins and members who contribute. If you’re not already in our Slack, you can join here - https://slack.labtechgeek.com/ We need your Feedback! Thank you to everyone who has already filled in the Feedback form that has been posted in Slack for a few weeks, if you haven’t then we’d really appreciate getting your feedback on our GeekCast and LabTechGeek content in general: https://goo.gl/forms/FAC0m1Gua9fToit13 Agent response slow? Tired of waiting to interact with agents? Offline server alerts flaky? Your heartbeat may be broken Following a conversation in the Slack just over a month ago, I asked a number of members in Slack to check whether their heartbeat was working or not – and a good 40% of the people that checked found this wasn’t working properly. When heartbeat isn’t working it can significantly impact on the day to day running of Automate. If you can answer yes to any of the questions in this sections title, I would advise you have a read of my article on how to identify, and fix problems with heartbeat: https://bit.ly/2OhOONr LabTechGeek Downloads Are you aware of this section of the LabTechGeek Forums? https://www.labtechgeek.com/files/ This is where we have started posting Scripts, SQL Definitions, Role Definitions and more. Over the upcoming months, we are going to start adding more content in here – and you can help. We are going to start giving trusted community members the ability to post files in here. If you want to contribute, please message me on Slack (@gavsto). Some of my favourite ones in there so far: https://www.labtechgeek.com/files/file/17-script-backup/ - Backup your LabTech Scripts into a folder hierarchy that matches the Automate script folders. Each time a script is exported, the last updated time and user information is included, providing multiple script revisions as it is changed over time. https://www.labtechgeek.com/files/file/16-powershell-deployment-scripts/ - Powershell deployment scripts for Powershell 2,3,4,5? Yes please! https://www.labtechgeek.com/files/file/8-bitlocker-enabled/ - Role definition to detect Bitlocker is enabled on a machine. See you next month (ish)! Gavsto and the LabTechGeek Admin Team
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This SQL can be imported in System > General > Import > SQL File. It will add an additional role definition that detects when a Windows Server Backup is scheduled on an agent. Note - it is possible to have the Windows Server Backup role installed, but without actually using its functionality to backup. This role definition will only detect when a backup has at some point been scheduled.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This role definition checks for the installation of Backup Assist on an agent by detecting whether the Backup Assist service exists. To import these Role Definitions, in the ConnectWise Automate main screen, go to Tools > Import then choose SQL File. Browse to the relevant file, and OK the message about inserting one row.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This role definition detects, using the Hyper-V role as a parent role, any Hyper-V server that has replication enabled. This then is used in a search that populates a group I have full of tests to ensure replication is healthy. To import these Role Definitions, in the ConnectWise Automate main screen, go to Tools > Import then choose SQL File. Browse to the relevant file, and OK the message about inserting one row.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This role definition detects when Bitlocker is enabled on a machine. To import these Role Definitions, in the ConnectWise Automate main screen, go to Tools > Import then choose SQL File. Browse to the relevant file, and OK the message about inserting one row.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This script forces an update of the Active Directory remote plugin and tries to push in the most up to date information.
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