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  1. That's excellent Brian. It sounds like you are 90% of the way there. Would you mind confirming for me which of the various methods of checking for BitLocker you went with? I've seen many different approaches to it (with mixed results) that I'm honestly not quite sure where to start. I think you should just need to create an auto-join search Group now to collect your 'not enabled' nodes. While we are on it... how are you handling Encryption for Win 7 Pro clients? Most of ours are just holding off because we use Sophos Mananged BitLocker (love it), but it won't touch 7 Pro. We are still debating finding an alternate solution for those clients.
  2. I could use a guide too. How is this not a built in part of Automate by now. It seems like a pretty basic metric to test / check for.
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