Remote Monitors
2 files
DNS Forwarder Check
This monitor is designed to check the health of your DNS Server Forwarders.
Copy "DNSForwarderCheck.vbs" to your LTShare\Transfer\Monitors\ folder. Import the SQL file in Control Center -> Tools -> Import -> SQL File.
This will create a group monitor on the "Windows DNS Servers" group under "Service Plans\Windows Servers\Server Roles\Windows Servers Core Services". The monitor action will be "Default - Raise Alert".
Here are a couple of examples of Servers with underperforming DNS Forwarders.
Once you identify issues, use a tool like GRC DNS Benchmark to identify what your best server choices are.
Free Drive Space Monitor for Mounted Volumes
On Windows Agents, LabTech assumes that all volumes have a drive letter associated with them. Volumes mounted to a path (CSV volumes, etc.) are not reported in the drive listing. This is a solution that uses a Remote EXE Monitor to dynamically detect mounted volumes and alert if the free space is below a configurable value.
The batch file is a powershell wrapper that queries for mounted volumes with no drive letter and returns a list of all volumes with less that 10 percent free space. The free space level can be passed as a parameter, so it is easy to monitor for 20%, 5%, etc. All volumes have the same threshold however, there is no support for different thresholds on different volumes. The powershell section could also be extracted and used directly.
On systems with no matching volumes, the result "No Mounted Volumes detected." is returned. If there are mounted volumes with no drive letter, the output will either be "All Mounted Volumes have above $FreeThreshold% space free.", or "Mounted Volumes at or below $FreeThreshold% free space:" with a list of all volumes that met the criteria.
This was implemented as a remote EXE monitor. SQL is included to import the monitor definition to an agent (configured for agent ID 1). See the MountedVolumesFreeSpaceMonitor-README.txt file in the attachment for more details. After importing, the Ticket and Report Category and Alert Template should be verified or assigned to valid values.
The monitor command is 'MountedVolumeDiskCheck.bat 10', where 10 represents the free space alert threshold. You can change threshold this globally if assigned to a group, or override the monitor on a per-agent basis to use a different threshold.
After importing and testing this monitor on an agent, the monitor can be added to an appropriate group so that Windows Servers will be monitored automatically.
See "Configuring Remote Monitors" in the documentation:
Keywords: remote monitor free drive drives disk disks volume volumes mounted mount point no letter space percent percentage