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Posts posted by kspooner

  1. This is a difficult question to answer because everyone works differently and CWProjects isn't the best.  I'll do my best to help out


    1. You can use reporting, but thats going to be massively difficult to get the data you want presented in an easy fashion.  We generally have meetings with those working the projects to get an update and use the projects to track progress and time for billing

    2. Build the work plan from a top to bottom format so work flows down, you can require one phase to be completed prior to starting on another, but this can get complicated with things that are done in tandum and just needs to be monitored.  You can also create project templates that can apply already built workplans to make it easier to keep a specific set of tasks to do.

  2. 3 hours ago, ViCiouS said:

    We currently use the default invoicing. 

    Looking to create professional looking invoices, bills/invoices with all the whizbangs!  Graphs, charts etc.  This is coming from up the ladder.  Appeasements are necessary.

    The Report Writer is not cutting it for them.

    Thanks for any help!

    Go outside of ConnectWise Manage to do invoicing.  Manage Inovicing only allows for Report Writer customizations. 

    Quickbooks, Dynamics GP might be some alternatives

  3. 9 hours ago, jack@getair.us said:

    Is there ANY method to change not just the status change, but the actual time-entry notes email that goes out? 

    Not with the old notes.  With the new notes you might be able to CSS override them. The override works like External File -> Internal CSS Section -> Tag itself.  The manually set each tag in the old notes so you can't override them. 


    If you are referring to the overall email itself and not just the ticket notifications, yes you can change overall email itself yes I cover it in the VoD above.


  4. 9 hours ago, Kev Matrix said:

    However, whilst I could connect to the data in Grafana successfully, I then found that its graphs have to be time-based and so weren't any use to me - I want a counter showing current (i.e. not over time) quantities of tickets with certain statuses on certain boards, I couldn't find a way of doing that and ultimately gave up.

    That option is available.  If you want to post your config for that graph I can help.

  5. Create a service board for finance.  Have the workflow create a ticket and have the ticket update the client. CW doesn't have a system that you are wanting.  You kinda have to make your processes fit into CW, vs the other way around.  

    The issue with the above is you cannot update that ticket via the workflow system on the agreements so you'd have to work around that.

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