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kspooner last won the day on August 16 2021

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  1. https://youtu.be/kvkeaCMLCGM Enjoy!
  2. We had Perch Security on for this geekcast to show us about Threat Intelligence!
  3. Not with the old notes. With the new notes you might be able to CSS override them. The override works like External File -> Internal CSS Section -> Tag itself. The manually set each tag in the old notes so you can't override them. If you are referring to the overall email itself and not just the ticket notifications, yes you can change overall email itself yes I cover it in the VoD above.
  4. I will link the VoD, i am working on getting it uploaded to youtube, once its done I will add the link. Twitch VoD will only be available for 14 days. If you have any questions/comments, feel free to ask me or post here. @kspooner on slack. HTML Files Attached for the code. Feel free to edit the template to your hearts extent, and don't forget plenty of testing. New_Template.html Template.html
  5. For those who see this, please fill out this form. Thank you so much from the geekcast team! https://goo.gl/forms/EC2sPfxABaOZ8tfJ3
  6. We embark on journey to learn more about Malware and how it infects your systems! We also spend some time discussing points on social engineering and how to possibly fix some of these issues!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This will find a dead service. SC is not in the software tab, but is present in the services as "stopped". It will remove that service itself, and issue a reinstall command.
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