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Automate PowerShell Code

2 files

  1. Capture File into PS1 Script

    This script takes a filename to capture as a parameter. The output is a PowerShell script capable of restoring the original file. The output will be no more than 70 characters wide and is Base64 encoded. The original filename and path is also Base64 encoded Unicode, so any valid file (even with international or Emoji characters) can be captured. The file timestamp is also captured and restored. This is meant as an alternative way to capture binary content that can be transmitted as plain text and used to easily re-create the file just by running a script. The capture and restore has been tested with PoSH2/Server2003 and Windows 10.
    Example to Capture: powershell.exe -file captureportablefile.ps1 "c:\filetoretrieve.dat" > restorefile.ps1
    The contents can also be placed in the "Execute Script" function with a filename specified as a parameter. (Include quotes around the path if it has spaces).
    The output script will save the file with the original name\path, or it will accepts a filename parameter for the new file to save to. The output can be used directly in "Execute Script" to re-create the file, on a different agent for example. The script will indicate success or failure restoring the file.
    Example to restore: powershell.exe -file restorefile.ps1
    Example to restore to a different path: powershell.exe -file restorefile.ps1 "c:\newfiletosave.dat"
    Here is en example of the script output. Running the script below will create a file named "C:\Windows\Temp\Have a ☺ day.zip"
    $Base64FileName = @' QwA6AFwAVwBpAG4AZABvAHcAcwBcAFQAZQBtAHAAXABIAGEAdgBlACAAYQAgADomIABkAGEAeQA uAHoAaQBwAA== '@ $TimeStamp=[DateTime]636604097389163155 $Base64Contents = @' UEsDBAoAAAAAAP0Am0zn48F+HAAAABwAAAAZAAAASGF2ZSBhIGhhcHB5IGRheS1BTlNJLnR4dEp 1c3Qgc29tZSA/pD8/Pz8/Pz8gc3R1ZmYuDQpQSwMECgAAAAAA6QCbTORcBzs6AAAAOgAAABwAAA BIYXZlIGEgaGFwcHkgZGF5LVVuaWNvZGUudHh0//5KAHUAcwB0ACAAcwBvAG0AZQAgADomPCZrJ jsmQiZqJmAmYyZAJiAAcwB0AHUAZgBmAC4ADQAKAFBLAwQKAAAAAADxAJtMeDSP5jEAAAAxAAAA GQAAAEhhdmUgYSBoYXBweSBkYXktVVRGOC50eHTvu79KdXN0IHNvbWUg4pi64pi84pmr4pi74pm C4pmq4pmg4pmj4pmAIHN0dWZmLg0KUEsBAj8ACgAAAAAA/QCbTOfjwX4cAAAAHAAAABkAJAAAAA AAAAAgAAAAAAAAAEhhdmUgYSBoYXBweSBkYXktQU5TSS50eHQKACAAAAAAAAEAGACFbKN39t3TA UCsDnT23dMB8s/tc/bd0wFQSwECPwAKAAAAAADpAJtM5FwHOzoAAAA6AAAAHAAkAAAAAAAAACAA AABTAAAASGF2ZSBhIGhhcHB5IGRheS1Vbmljb2RlLnR4dAoAIAAAAAAAAQAYANODVGD23dMB0T1 GLPbd0wHRPUYs9t3TAVBLAQI/AAoAAAAAAPEAm0x4NI/mMQAAADEAAAAZACQAAAAAAAAAIAAAAM cAAABIYXZlIGEgaGFwcHkgZGF5LVVURjgudHh0CgAgAAAAAAABABgAYx1uafbd0wFjHW5p9t3TA YN/S2n23dMBUEsFBgAAAAADAAMARAEAAC8BAAAAAA== '@ $FileName=[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64FileName) $FileName=[System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($FileName) If(($Args) -ne $Null) { If($Args[0] -match '^[^\*\?]+$') {$FileName=$Args[0]} Else {Write-Output 'Invalid Filename.';break} } Try { $FileContents = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64Contents) $Null=Mkdir $(Split-Path -Path $FileName) -EA 0 Set-Content -Literal $FileName -Value $FileContents -Encoding Byte (Get-Item $($FileName)).LastWriteTimeUtc=$TimeStamp Write-Output "File restore complete: $($FileName)" } Catch {Write-Output "File restore failed: $($FileName)"}  


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  2. PowerShell Embedding in Batch

    You can't directly run .ps1 files in remote monitors like you can .vbs and .bat files. But this applies beyond just remote monitors, .ps1 doesn't run universally like .vbs or .bat. A way to get PowerShell portable is to use a .vbs or .bat file to carry the PowerShell script.
    Here are a couple of ways you can do this: The first is a generic way to embed text files inside a batch script. The embedded files are extracted and saved apart from the script. This example has two simple text files included. (See BATCH-WITH-EMBEDDED-FILEs.bat)
    The second script method is a way to include PowerShell code directly inside a batch file. This can run anywhere like a batch and the PowerShell is interpreted directly without creating any secondary files. There is a trade-off, the output will not report the correct line number for any failures, and a script crash can result in no useful output. (Output is buffered. Write-Host will be output immediately. Write-Output will buffer until the script completes.) For this reason it is harder to develop and debug PowerShell wrapped in a batch file. So this method works best when you develop and test a PowerShell script as a separate file, and then simply dump the contents to the end of the Batch framework script. (See BATCH-WITH-EMBEDDED-POWERSHELL.bat)
    I use method 1 when I need to include standalone files and want to move them all with one file. (An example is a batch script that imports a trusted publisher certificate. The certificate is carried inside the batch, but needs to be its own file for importing by certutil.) I use method 2 anytime I want a batch to run PowerShell. Several of my remote monitors in LabTech are .bat wrapped PowerShell scripts. I don't like creating a batch file that only turns around to create a separate PowerShell file. You have two files to clean up, etc.
    Aside from the starter scripts, I included examples of how I have used both methods in real life.


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